Lady Rose Embyrs BIO
Lady Rose Embyrs is a research scientist and a practicing Witch of the Craft. After writing many thrillers, paranormal and contemporary suspense romance novels under another name, Rose decided to share some of her favorite spells and pagan crafts with the Pagan community. Spellcaster: Book of Magick was born. She finds living in San Francisco electric, and says the city thrives on the energy of the people who call it home. Rose is a passionate animal activist, loves to sail and is a world traveler. You can reach her at [email protected] with questions or feedback on the Spellcaster: Book of Magick. Rose's Zazzle store carries all her designs and art for the Pagan family. Her website is and you can leave comments with your email address for a return comment from Rose. Following My Dreams... Rose is an old family name, a hand-me-down from an age when things were simpler. A time with black and white rules with no gray for interpretation. A time when the word Witch caused fear or violence against an unlucky man or woman. I am a practitioner of the Craft. I meet with other pagans for circle and also act as a sole practitioner. I'm a full-time author of books, magazine articles and columns. I write paranormal novels under another name and my non-fiction books on the Craft will have a home here. Soon, my first book and ebook will be published by Black Cat Publishing and I'll make it available at this site as well as Amazon, and Goodreads. HTML Comment Box is loading comments...
Rose_Embyrs "Spellcaster: Book of Magic" is available at Amazon in ebook & print. Take a peek at Bookbuzzr or - about 1 hour ago · reply Rose_Embyrs Spells, call the quarters, create a circle, lists of correspondences - 'Spellcaster: Book of Magick' - on #BookBuzzr - yesterday · reply |